Monday, July 30, 2007

Aspiring Actor

I did a session a few weeks ago for an aspiring young actor.

Monday, July 16, 2007

In Memorium

Otis "The Buddy Dog" Delozier
April 15, 1991 - July 15, 2007

My thoughts and prayers are with the entire family - Donnie, Denise, Ellie, Stinky, Sissie, Callie, Rufus and Mya.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Big Decisions

After prayer and consideration, I decided not to go back to school this semester. Bummer.

I made the decision based on the fact that I refuse to incure debt for another Bachelor's degree. If it was my first degree, I would be more inclined to take out a loan. But now I have a mortgage and it took me a while to get out of why would I go there again?

I know, however, that I will miss the following things:
  • BLT bagels in the Cafe
  • Hours upon hours in the photo lab printing and getting giddy due to a lack of sleep
  • Creative people EVERYWHERE
  • Aspiring to be a better photographer because of my classmates (thanks Ellie, Ben & Aprill)
  • Guy poking in the classroom at any moment
  • Big TER - Terry Thacker...the best PROF EVER
  • Knowing that I'm studying something I love

I have to keep reminding myself that I will go back at some point, hopefully in the spring, just without a mound of debt on my shoulders...

Thursday, July 05, 2007

The Great Stone Door

I went hiking with some friends yesterday to the Great Stone Door. Really, really fun. Here are some photos.