Thursday, April 19, 2007

To Do

Things I have to do before April 26:

  • Write an 8-page paper on a contemporary artist
  • Write a presentation on the "Future of the Printed Book"
  • Write a 750 word essay on the "Future of the Printed Book"
  • Write a 750 word essay on whether or not credit is too easy to obtain
  • Write an essay on why I chose to attend art school
  • Write an essay on my educational and career goals
  • Print 10 photographs and present them in a hand-made book
  • Edit and revise a 10,000 member media database
  • Take 24 photographs with a medium format camera
  • Eat
  • Sleep

So much to do, so much time (if I don't procrastinate).


Shelly Waugh said...

i'll try not to call you until the's a lot of stuff.

Melinda said...

Okay, you win.

Anonymous said...

That is one craaaazy To Do list! Good luck! Let us know how is goes... Does this mean that this upcoming weekend will be all about relaxing? After this week, you'll certainly deserve a break!

PS - Thank you for your advice about acrylic painting. I appreciate it!

Jennifer said...

I hope you get everything done on time!