Friday, June 30, 2006


I can definitely tell that I am more right-brained. During my business life, I was not a happy person if I was not going home at night and doing something creative. Don't get me wrong, I am so grateful for my business experience and I continue to do freelance work which keeps that analytical side going. Yet I have found that I am so much more inspired since I started in art school. I love the environment and being able to be creative and utilize the "other side" of my brain. I've been telling people that I wanted to attend art school to use the right side of my brain.

In an article by Michael P Pitek, III called "Brain Differences - Creativity and the Right Side of the Brain," he explains the differences between the right and left sides of the brain. The left side is the analytical, logical and verbal part of your brain. The right side is the non-verbal which excels in the visual, spatial and intuitive.

"This is significant because many times when a person drives a car, the left brain basically checks out and the right brain emerges as dominant. The left brain is "suspended." When this happens, many people experience some of their most creative thinking. Or how about when you take a shower?….or shaving, or jogging, or swimming? Basic repetitive actions "suspend" the left brain and "release" the right brain."

No wonder I "zone out" when I'm right brain takes over!

I am glad that God created us to have one whole brain, with each part having its purpose. Yet one without the other is not useful. Each side works together. If I don't use the left side of my brain, I might not be able to balance my checkbook. If I don't use the right side of my brain, I would have not imagination and creative thinking.

So do something different today--do something that maximizes the side of the brain that doesn't get as much activity. As for me, I'm off to balance the checkbook.


Anonymous said...

I love hearing all your thoughts on this blog. Thanks for sharing. Also, check out Jym's blog at I don't have one, but you guys are inspiring me!

Anonymous said...

Very pretty site! Keep working. thnx!