I have learned a lot about myself over the past several years...that oftentimes procrastination can be my best friend...and oftentimes it can be my worst enemy.
I procrastinated my schoolwork in high school and actually found that I was more creative and could write a paper faster if I waited until the last minute. I'm not sure if it was just that the heat was on and I thought my papers were better...but I found that if I started my work too soon, it would be dragged out for what seemed like forever and the paper was medicore in my mind.
Then there was college. I made a better effort to NOT procrastinate since I had so much more at stake plus SO much more work. So once I got out into the business world, I tried my best not to leave things until the last minute...until I realized that my boss had the world's worst case of procrastination. Often the projects I was working on would require him to approve or review before they were completed...so then I got into the "waiting game" with endless lists of "to-do's" that were not getting done because I had to wait on the boss man. So I found myself back in procrastination mode.
And now, in art school, I am learning to not procrastinate once again. I especially learned this after I worked 20 hours on a painting that may have been less stressful had I started earlier. This last assignment that was due I actually simplified the design and was much more relaxed while working on it.
All that to say, I have procrastinated long enough in posting photos. So here's one for you to enjoy!
Hey Michelle,
Great story! I too am learning NOT to procrastinate in school, on the job, and especially with our music. Being diligent can be hard work when you'd rather be watching reality tv. :)
Here are some links that I believe will be interested
Very pretty site! Keep working. thnx!
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