Monday, January 22, 2007

Today's Photos

Since I am taking a color photography class, I have to take 2 rolls of 36 exposures every week (finding subjects can get tough by the end of the semester!). Since I am just learning the color printing process, I decided to take my digital camera along for the ride today and take shots with both the digital camera as well as my film camera...that way, I could share them with my faithful blog readers.

Here are some of the best ones from today. Yes, I took some in a cemetary that I stumbled upon last year. I'm a bit obsessed with it for several reasons. First, it is surrounded on three sides by an apartment complex. Second, it's really rundown and half of the gravestones no longer have readable names (it's quite sad). Thirdly, I am oddly intrigued by cemetaries in general. Some say it is the greatest source of untapped potential....

Anyway, the other shots are from the land surrounding the Tennessee Historic Preservation Society.


Anonymous said...

Great photos! How do you like color vs. b&w so far?

Michelle Uhri said...

It's definitely different...but good! I've always take color photos so I understand the concepts...the printing part is going to be interesting! I'll keep you posted!

Tongue in Cheek Antiques said...

I grew up by a cemetery. I understand that attraction, the stillness and void of color. There are powerful images there to be had.

Dave T. said...

I love this building. dt