Friday, March 02, 2007

Artistic Critique

One of the most difficult aspects of being an artist is taking critiques from others, specifically when the critique veers toward the negative.

Last night I turned in a project for my Photo II (Color Photo) class that was pretty harshly critiqued by my instructor and my advisor (in front of my classmates). I might note that I have to thank my classmates for being so positive about my project. Their comments were the good ones.

I have to admit that I took a big risk, though, in what I turned in. We were given the choice between shooting one roll of film each day for seven days OR doing a project about our family. I chose my family because the projects I have done in the past about them I have been really passionate about. My project consisted of 11 prints paired with text (that's where I took the risk). Pairing photographs (or any art for that matter) with text can make or break the project. The text was written on vellum and overlayed on top of the photographs. One comment that was made was that it was "too much like a Hallmark card." What can I say? I'm a sap when it comes to my family.

I came home last night feeling disappointed and defeated. I go back and forth between being glad that they were honest (because that makes me a better artist and photographer) and being totally dejected. So last night before I went to bed, I made a deliberate decision to not let this affect me in a negative manner. I need to pick myself up by the bootstraps and forge ahead.

Thank God today is a new day!

1 comment:

Melinda said...

That's tough. Especially since the project was so deeply personal. The good news: everyone gets a tough critique sometime. And hopefully you can stretch your creative wings with it.