Tuesday, March 06, 2007

When a Little is Not Enough

I'm a big fan of Jared Miller's and the work he is doing in Rwanda. He started a nonprofit organization called Sisters of Rwanda which assists thevulnerable women of Rwanda, specifically those who make their living as prostitutes and/or have been sexually abused, widowed or orphaned. If you have been a long-time reader of my blog, you know that my heart is HUGE for the people of Rwanda, especially since I sponsor a child who lives near Kigali through Compassion International.

Yet I am in a constant state of thinking that what I am doing is just not enough. I look at Jared's work and especially his heart and am saddened that I cannot do more...that I am NOT doing more. By supporting this young girl, I am only helping one. "What else can I do?" I often ask myself.

Is my little enough?


Shelly Waugh said...

your little is helping one little girl that may not be getting help if you weren't doing what your doing.

Shelly Waugh said...

your little is helping one little girl that may not be getting help if you weren't doing what your doing.