Wednesday, November 29, 2006


In my 3-dimensional design class, we had to build a piece of furniture from our childhood that we no longer have or live with. So I decided to choose the red chest of drawers in my childhood home that my mom lovingly referred to as "the conversation piece." It didn't really match any of the other furniture in our formal living room, but it had a style and class of its own. My mom always said that everyone should have at least one piece of furniture that doesn't really fit simply to start a conversation.

The chest of drawers still remains in the house. I think of my mom every time I look at it. So here is my version of it, sans the red finish. The hard part is going to be deconstructing it, which is also part of the assignment. The plan is to saw it in two halves diagonally, turn it "inside out" so-to-speak and paint the inside red, just like the real chest. We'll see if I can even cut it apart after the 15 hours of work I put into it constructing the darn thing...

Quote of the Day

"To shine the light into the depths of the human heart is the profession of the artist."
~Robert Schumman

Tuesday, November 28, 2006


Today I took the Jung Typology personality test. I remember taking it back in college and actually enjoyed seeing the results. Here's what I found about myself:

I am an ENFJ - Extroverted (22%), Intuitive (25%), Feeling (75%), Judging (56%)

I am also:
  • slightly expressed extrovert
  • moderately expressed intuitive personality
  • distinctively expressed feeling personality
  • moderately expressed judging personality

You can take the test yourself:

Monday, November 27, 2006


For my 20th Century Art History class, we have to write a paper on an artist and/or a topic. I have chosen Wassily Kandinsky, an Expressionist artist and his writings on spirituality in art. He was a very interesting man, doing extensive writings beyond just artwork. I was really blessed to have worked for a company that took me to Murnau in Germany (outside of Munich) to see where he lived and worked for 8 years. I had never heard of him at the time but now looking back on the trip, I am amazed that I was able to see the environment that inspired him so much not only to paint but to write.

It brings me to an interesting interesting artists are in that many are very well-rounded and have many interests beyond just creating amazing work. As I am taking classes and learning more about many different types of artist (photographers, painters, sculpters) and different artists themselves, I feel like I fit in more and more with the artistic world. I have always felt like a "jack of all trades, master of none." Now I am learning that being a musician, a writer, a philosopher and a thinker are all great attributes to possess as an artist.

Onward with the writings....

Sunday, November 26, 2006


My heart and eyes are naturally drawn to sunsets. I have always thought they were so amazing, like a painting in the sky. Once while admiring a sunset with my mom, she said "there will never be a sunset exactly like that one ever." Just like snowflakes, sunsets are each unique with no two alike. I like to think of them as a gift from God--like He painted it specifically for me to enjoy.

Here is one I took from my brother's house in Wisconsin. Remember, you are looking at something unique--never to be seen or experienced again, ever.

Moms Say the Darndest Things

During my travels this weekend, I was on a plane awaiting for the door to open so the massive herd of people could get off. I overheard a conversation between daugther and mother that made me crack up:

Daughter: You're the NuttyQqueen! You're the Queen of the Nuts!

Mother: Do you know what that makes you?

Daughter: No.

Mother: That makes you the Princess of the Nuts....and I still rule!

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

New Pics!!

Okay, so I snapped a few shots on Saturday and a few here they are--the first photos with my new digital camera!!

No Time...

Since purchasing my new digital camera, I have encountered many obstacles to sitting down and actually learning how to use it (with the exception of the basics). They include the following:
  • 20th Century Art History Test
  • Decorating for Christmas
  • Rehearsals
  • Meetings
  • Class
  • Errands
  • Sleep

Well, I'm off to bed. Thank goodness for Thanksgiving weekend when my brother and I can sit down and play with it...

Saturday, November 18, 2006


After a week of shopping, I finally did it!! I invested in a new digital camera!!

I ended up with the Nikon D80 SLR. The interesting thing is that as I was going through last Sunday's newspaper, I found a flyer for Wolf Camera that had the camera plus an additional lens for less than the price of the camera with one lens at all the other places I looked.

God hooked up for sure...I get to Wolf earlier today and find that with the purchase of the camera, I got $50 gift card, which I used toward the purchase of a new camera bag (which only costed $4 after the use of the card.) Then, on top of all that, I got two free printers with the purchase after rebates. One of them is the little handy printer that I can even take in my car!!

So the grand total in savings...drum roll please....$500!!!

I'm off to play with my new toy.....

Friday, November 17, 2006

Richard Avedon

Today in my History of Photography class, we watched a video on photographer Richard Avedon ( who was well-known for his fashion photography, his portraits as well as commercial photography for Vogue, Harpar's Bazaar, The New Yorker and ads for companies like Kenneth Cole, Barely There, Levi's and Dior.

Here are some quotes from Richard that I really like.

My portraits are more about me than they are about the people I photograph.

Sometimes I think all my pictures are just pictures of me. My concern is... the human predicament; only what I consider the human predicament may simply be my own.

If a day goes by without my doing something related to photography, it's as though I've neglected something essential to my existence, as though I had forgotten to wake up.

It's just so strange to me that anyone would ever think that a work of art shouldn't be disturbing, or shouldn't be invasive. I mean, that's the property of a work of art, that's the arena of a work of art - it's to disturb, it's to make you think, it's to make you feel. If my work didn't disturb people from time to time, it would be a failure in my eyes - it's meant to disturb, in a positive way.

I think he's now one of my favorite photographers.


I decided the other day that I'm going to bite the bullet and buy a really great digital camera. My business account has the money and I really feel that I need it in order to become a better photographer professionally. Artistically, I can leave that to the film.

So I found two cameras that I really like--both the Nikon D80 and the Nikon D200. Here are the specs:
D80 -

D200 -

They are both 10.2 megapixal cameras. The latter is more expensive but has more buttons and whistles. Now that I have finally decided to buy one, I can't decide on which one. I think I'll sleep on this one...

Thursday, November 16, 2006


So I somehow gave some people the idea that I am desperate to get married...and I'm not. I am highly looking forward to it, but I know in my life that I am content wherever I am. I look at it this way...God has blessed me with a home, a budding new career in photography and tons of opportunities to do new and exciting things. Do I even have time for a relationship? Most likely not (although you know I would make time for one if I had

It won't be right until it's the right guy. Until then, I'm holding out.

Monday, November 13, 2006

The Williams

Here are a few shots of the William's kids, another recent photography job. Good things--always a learning experience!

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Too Far

After a conversation with some friends tonight over coffee, I started thinking about when far is too far. When do you, as a friend, step in to help a friend if they are not seeing things from an objective point of view. Are we always afraid of judging others or stepping on toes when we should be speaking the truth in love?

For example, I have 3 really good friends that I was hanging out after I graduated from college (the first Anyway, we all had dated guys that weren't right for us, so we all made a pact to speak our minds about our significant others if we felt that it wasn't a good situation (e.g. he wasn't a good guy for her). So with one of the friends, I did tell her, and I immediately felt a shift in our relationship. Needless to say, all three are now married to great guys, but I felt that I sacrificed a part of my relationship with that one friend because I spoke what I thought was the truth and keep my part of the pact--making sure that she was doing the right thing. Or was I?

So do we just keep our mouths shut and watch our friends get hurt? Or do we attempt to step in and potentially sacrifice the friendship?

How far is too far when you love your friends?

Saturday, November 11, 2006


"The reward of a thing well done is to have done it."
~Ralph Waldo Emerson

Ya gotta love ol' Ralphy....

Today I woke up uninspired to do anything but sit and watch television. Yet I have started a new plan for myself, a sort-of reward system. For example, the other night when I got home from church around 9pm, I decided that my reward for folding the laundry that had piled up on my bed was to eat dinner and watch tv. That way, the task would be done and I could eat and relax in peace.

So as I lay in my bed this morning contemplating what I would accomplish today, I decided to just start right away so procrastination would not allow me to put it off until I really didn't feel like it. So by noon today I had started my laundry, cleaned my bathroom, swept the kitchen floor and made a cake.

Now I can relax and enjoy the rest of the day...ah, my reward is having done it. Good things...

Thursday, November 09, 2006

The Biermans

I love taking photos of people, particularly kids and families. With their permission, I'm posting some photos of the Biermans - Denver, Amy and Boston.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Fire! Fire!

A few weekends ago the young adults group from my church had a was a blast. Here are some photos I took. I thought they turned out really well!

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Oh Christmas Tree

Today I saw the funniest thing that would totally crack my friend Melinda up ('cause she shares my wacky sense of humor). I was walking through Sears and leisurely walked past a big group of adults and kids, which appeared to be a family. The mother walked by, then the grandmother and several kids...and as I glance down, I notice two feet extending out from one of those cone Christmas trees used as decoration (they kinda look like an oversized dunce cap). The kid had taken the thing and put it over his head and only the bottom portion of his legs could be seen. He was attempting to follow his family without them noticing. I busted out laughing at the sight--how creative those little guys can be.

Ah kids....


I found a new favorite tv show--"Iconoclasts" on the Sundance Channel. The show basically pairs up innovators with creative visionaries to discuss their passions and shows what motivates and inspires them. Last night's episode paired dancer Mikhail Baryshnikov with chef Alice Waters, who created the Edible Schoolyard Project in Berkeley, California and owns a restaurant called Chez Panisse. If you are a "Sex and the City" fan, Mikhail played Carrie's "Russian" artist boyfriend, but he best known as a dancer.

What I really enjoyed about the show was listening to their inspiration. Mikhail started the New York’s Baryshnikov Arts Center but only sees himself as a dancer--he doesn't see himself as a world-changer. Alice notes that he has inspired so many people around the world without even realizing it. I loved watching them talk about what motivates them also. Alice began the Edible Schoolyard in order to teach children about the beauty around them--that they can cultivate it, grow it, cook it and eat it...without relying on fast food.

This show inspired me to find ways that I can live out my passions and dreams...and who knows, I may even inspire others without even realizing it.

Saturday, November 04, 2006

The Lion King

Last night some friends and I went to see Disney's "The Lion King" the musical. It was incredible. I have waited for almost 5 years for it to come to Nashville! Actually, I was so excited, my eyes started to well up in the first song. The costumes were amazing and the singers and musicians incredible. It is really worth it to spend the money to go!

Come on....hakuna matata!