Saturday, November 18, 2006


After a week of shopping, I finally did it!! I invested in a new digital camera!!

I ended up with the Nikon D80 SLR. The interesting thing is that as I was going through last Sunday's newspaper, I found a flyer for Wolf Camera that had the camera plus an additional lens for less than the price of the camera with one lens at all the other places I looked.

God hooked up for sure...I get to Wolf earlier today and find that with the purchase of the camera, I got $50 gift card, which I used toward the purchase of a new camera bag (which only costed $4 after the use of the card.) Then, on top of all that, I got two free printers with the purchase after rebates. One of them is the little handy printer that I can even take in my car!!

So the grand total in savings...drum roll please....$500!!!

I'm off to play with my new toy.....

1 comment:

Anonymous said... can come and take pictures of me if you want...just kidding.