Thursday, October 12, 2006


I was watching a bit of Oprah today as she spoke with a writer for the New York Times about the truth in America. An interesting point was brought up about people in general asking the question "why?". Do we often feel that if we ask why things are happening the way we are, then we are not in support of what is going on around us? For example, if I am asking "why" there is war in Iraq, does that automatically put me in the position of not supporting our government and/or our troops?

I have always wondered this. My entire life, I have been a very curious person about a variety of things. If I don't know and want to know, I ask (or read, research...whatever). Does that mean that I'm not on any side of any issue? Why or why not?

1 comment:

Melinda said...

I think sometimes asking why is just a responsibility before you take a position be it yea or nay. I think sometimes if you just feel unsettled about something going on, asking why is your way of dealing with it.