Tuesday, November 07, 2006


I found a new favorite tv show--"Iconoclasts" on the Sundance Channel. The show basically pairs up innovators with creative visionaries to discuss their passions and shows what motivates and inspires them. Last night's episode paired dancer Mikhail Baryshnikov with chef Alice Waters, who created the Edible Schoolyard Project in Berkeley, California and owns a restaurant called Chez Panisse. If you are a "Sex and the City" fan, Mikhail played Carrie's "Russian" artist boyfriend, but he best known as a dancer.

What I really enjoyed about the show was listening to their inspiration. Mikhail started the New York’s Baryshnikov Arts Center but only sees himself as a dancer--he doesn't see himself as a world-changer. Alice notes that he has inspired so many people around the world without even realizing it. I loved watching them talk about what motivates them also. Alice began the Edible Schoolyard in order to teach children about the beauty around them--that they can cultivate it, grow it, cook it and eat it...without relying on fast food.

This show inspired me to find ways that I can live out my passions and dreams...and who knows, I may even inspire others without even realizing it.

1 comment:

Melinda said...

I saw a commercial for this show featuring Quintin Tarrantino and Fiona Apple and now I totally wish I had the Sundance channel!